5427 White Oak Rd.
Bloomingburg, OH 43106
740-505-6046 mobile
We often get calls from people asking for our opinion and advice regarding boer goats. After finding ourselves addressing some of the same concerns over the course of time, we began to wonder if there might be a way we could share some of our experiences so that more people might benefit. As a result, this blog was born.
We hope that you find this blog informative. Over the past ten years, we have found raising boer goats to be a challenging yet rewarding experience. This blog is meant to share with you our knowledge on what we have learned over the years, so that you do not have to learn the hard way.
Feel free to call us with questions or post a question for us to address. We love to talk goats with fellow goat breeders and enthusiasts. After all, the most fullfilling part of raising boer goats is the great friends we meet along the way!
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